Astrology Services

1 Single Page Horoscope

Single Page Horoscope (also known as GrahaNila) provides the basic astrological information of a person. Nirayana longitudes of planets, Rasi and Navamsa charts, Dasa balance at birth.

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Rs. 50

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2 Horoscope with ashtavarga predictions and remedies

Horoscope with detailed charts, calculations and predictions, Includes Sayana and Nirayana longitudes of planets, Rasi, Navamsa, Bhava, Varga charts, Ashtakavarga, Dasa/Bukti/ Paryantar dasa periods.

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Rs. 800

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3 Gem Report

Recommends gem to be worn for luck, health and prosperity. Specifies carat, finger and metal for setting gem.

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Rs. 300

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4 Numerology Report

Based on the analysis of name and date of birth. Provides personality characteristics, compatible numbers, lucky days & numbers and remedial suggestions.

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Rs. 300

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5 Marriage Compatibility

Marriage compatibility analysis and recommendation based on compatibility of birth stars, Kuja Dosha, Papasamya and Dasa Sandhi.

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Rs. 250

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